Monday, 16 December 2013


The Thames Valley and Wessex Health Libraries Network Christmas Study day at Winchester on 12/12/2013 was the venue for the grand 19Things prizegiving.

Nottingham Trainees - Prizes
Eversheds International Creative Commons License

Congratulations to all the Completers and Explorers who either received their certificates on the day or will shortly be receiving them from their managers.

Special congratulations to:
whatsallthisaboutthen    Best blog ,  
coffetimethings               Best reflective post
Newforestgateau            Best blog name (as voted for by TV &W staff on the day.)

Many thanks to all the people who helped make the course possible by writing content and helping with the blog and especially to Caterpillarlizzie for the original idea and much of the administration.

The blog will remain live for the foreseeable future to enable people to complete all their “Things” or for anyone who would like to re-use the content.

Finally, the 19Things Team would like to wish A Happy Christmas to all our readers

By Unknown 1932 (Scan old postcard) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Monday, 2 December 2013

Thing 19: Registering your completion

To successfully complete the 19ThingsTVW programme you must have explored all the ‘Things’ and blogged about your experiences of using them.

Once you’ve done that, please register your completion by emailing

Thing 18: Final blog - What was it like for YOU?

Hopefully you have finished all your “19things”, some you will have enjoyed using and some not so much, some you will continue to use at home and at work, some you hope to never see again!

 All your experiences will be different and this is what we would like you to write down.
It does not have to be long and exhaustive but should include some of the following:

• Did you enjoy it? (There is no right or wrong answer here!) 

• Look at your first blog, how has your attitude changed since starting?

• What was the best Thing and the Thing you least enjoyed?

• What Thing would you use/adapt for work? If none, why not?

• How do you feel after completing this – proud/tired/frustrated/delighted? 

• How would you improve the whole “19Things” training package? We will not be offended but would welcome any constructive criticism.

To register your completed blog, you must blog about the 19ThingsTVW Experience, even if you perhaps skipped one or two Things because you were familiar with them. If you skipped anything for this 
reason please mention it in your blog post